
First Post



Ah to be alive

on a mid-September morn

fording a stream

barefoot, pants rolled up,

holding boots, pack on, 

sunshine, ice in the shallows,

northern rockies.

Rustle and shimmer of icy creek waters

stones turn underfoot, small and hard as toes

cold nose dripping

singing inside

creek music, heart music,

smell of sun on gravel

I pledge allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the soil

of Turtle Island,

and to the beings who thereon dwell

one ecosystem

in diversity

under the sun

With joyful interpenetration for all.

Gary Snyder    

This is a new reiteration of my web site. Occassioned by the demise of Mobileme, its previous home. I wanted to start where I started on this path. Working with the poet Gary Snyder building his house "Kitkitdizz" on the San Juan Ridge. His poem FOR ALL was read at the recent marriage of our daughter in honor of her home.

I will be adding thoughts and photos as regularly as is possible.

 © Bruce E. Boyd, Architecture & Planning 2012